Alcohol Justice CEO Presents on Alcohol Marketing in Breast Cancer Awareness

A smear of pink paintThe national outpouring of support for breast cancer research and education means the world has never been pinker—and savvy alcohol marketers knows how to capitalize on the color to sell their own brands. The pink-themed campaigns intended to raise funds for and awareness of one of the most common cancers in women seem unimpeachable. But when it comes to alcohol companies, how much are they raising and at what cost to public health?

Alcohol Justice Executive Director and CEO Bruce Lee Livingston, MPP, explored these issues in a session on “Pinkwashing and Corporate Marketing” at the 2016 Wisconsin Alcohol Policy Seminar, on October 20, 2016. Mr. Livingston addressed the discrepancy between ad budgets and actual donations, and the push to make alcohol seem socially responsible even as drinking is linked to breast cancer. DOWNLOAD Mr. Livingston's presentation.